Saturday, September 03, 2005

The woman taken in Adultery 2

Her version of the rest of the story:

He had come again in the dark night to satisfy his urges.
He always complained to me.
"My wife didn’t let me do what I wanted."
I was always available to fill the hole.

My husband died leaving me without child.
Alone in Jerusalem without a man to protect me
the only way I can live is to offer myself.
They offer so little in return.

This night is different.
He seems in a hurry. He acts guilty.
He seems to be looking for someone else to come.
I tell him not to worry. "I’m not expecting anyone."

As we lay together he acted nervous and distracted.
"Is something wrong?" I ask.
He in response only mumbled unintelligible words.
Typical male response.

He has so much trouble getting started.
So much worse than his usual male softness.
I told him it was all right he didn’t need to rush.
I would help him. (I almost care for him).

Suddenly the door
crashes in.
Men rush in.
and seize me.

No one cares
about noises here
they are too used to them.
They will not intervene.

My arms
each held
by men
stronger than ropes.

I can do nothing to cover myself.
They drag me through early dawn
to the temple.
My half naked body exposed.

The one who leads them
slaps me and spits:
"You temptress.
You deserve to die."

Suddenly I know
what they intend.
I am to be sacrifice
for their sin.

We burst into a Temple court.
A crowd is seated on the ground.
They listen to a rabbi
also seated on the ground.

They drag me in front of him.
I stand exposed in my sin.
His eyes like none I’ve ever seen
pierce me to my soul.

My captors explain I've been
taken in adultery.
"Moses told us to stone
such as these."

They ask him.
"What should we do."
They gather stones
and wait.
John 8:2-11
© Presbypoet, March 15, 2004

As she waits, she remembers.
It may not have happened exactly this way, but close.
Now you know the rest of the story?
More tomorrow.


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