Friday, November 05, 2004

Al Fallujah - On Loving Our Enemy

You demand we love our enemies.

How can we love the killers of Fallujah?

What do You mean when You say to forgive?

Does love do nothing and ignore evil?

What did You mean when You said.

"Let he without sin cast the first stone."

Do we sit silent and do nothing

when evil shows its full face?

Is this what it means to turn the other cheek?

Is that what You demand?

How can we approve what they did?

How can we endorse what they did?

Is it that we should not react but respond?

Not simply seek revenge but justice?

Is this the hard lesson we must learn?

We cannot do it on our own.

You did not remain silent

in the temple that day.

Your righteous anger showed us

sometime response is required.

Lord teach us to hear You

when revenge tempts us.

Help us learn how to forgive

and when to overturn tables.

(Matthew 5:38-39,43-47, 21:12-13, Mark 11:15-17, Luke 19:45-46, 23:34, John 2:14, 8:7)

© Presbypoet, April 2, 2004

I first posted this October 4th. It seems appropriate now.
Is what we seek revenge or justice?
How do we know the difference?
We demand such impossible things of the Marines going into Fallujah.
We ask that they sacrifice their lives so the innocent may live.
Will you pray for them.
Presbypoet -November 5, 2004


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob -
I like this poem...especially the last line. I have often wondered about this very point too. I think that most of us do...every time we see images of terrorists about to behead captives on our t.v. screens. Cathy


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