Saturday, November 20, 2004

Woman Why Do You Weep

They ask you
why do you weep?
They say:
It was for the best.
It wasn't a real person yet.
Your friends try to make excuses
to avoid blaming Me.
Will you trust Me?

I know this child
tender part of you
ripped from your soul.
I weep with you
I share your knife edged pain.
You cannot know My plan.
All you see is pain
in midst of dark despair.

Like Mary & Martha you say
"If only you'd been here."
Know I am here with you.
You ask Me to protect
you from pain.
I ask will you follow
through the pain
and meet Me in heaven.

For G and E
Heard by Presbypoet, August 3, 2004

A poem for a babe never born
but very truly a real person.

Are you in pain?
Do you wonder if He cares?
Do you know how to go through your pain?
Presbypoet - November 20, 2004


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